Welcome Turkey

11:55 May 16, 2020
Welcome Turkey

If you want to buy a property in Turkey, you should learn about the advantages of such a purchase. What awaits you, how the country will meet you, what you will have to get used to. After all, the decision to buy a property is not to spend a few weeks on vacation, and should be considered and justified. To do this, you should weigh all the pros and cons of investing in real estate in Turkey. What is waiting for the buyer in a Sunny warm country with thousands of beaches that are marked with a blue flag? Let's figure it out!


The first, exciting question is how acclimatization will take place and how well the local climate will suit a person. This is very important for long-term residence in the country.

The climate conditions here are quite pleasant. Winter is rainy, but not cold, and in summer the temperature is quite comfortable, among other countries of the subtropical zone. If you like high humidity, it is better to choose a property closer to the coastal zones. Here the heat in summer, and the cold in winter-will be felt much more acutely. For those who do not want to experience such weather changes, it is better to buy a property in Turkey in the continental part, where the humidity will be lower and the climate is milder.

Sea and nature

Turkey's shores are washed by four seas: the Mediterranean, Black, Marmara and Aegean. On the coast of the Mediterranean and Aegean sea, the climate will be dominated by the Mediterranean, with dry summers and mild warm winters, where snow rarely falls. The water temperature almost all year round allows you to take tourists, keeping at an average level of 22-24 degrees.

On the coast of the Marmara sea, a more severe climate is waiting for you, where even in the summer, rains can catch you, and the winter is colder, sometimes even snow falls. The Black sea has hot and humid summers and cold and dry winters. The water temperature in these seas is kept at an average of 20-23 degrees.

However, not only the sea coast can be visited while living in this country. Turkey has very beautiful natural attractions, including mountain peaks and a large number of freshwater water resources. There are more than 450 reservoirs on the territory of the country, some of which are artificial. Almost the entire territory is entwined with a cascade of mountain rivers, crystal lakes and attractive landscapes, which are overgrown with rapid vegetation due to the mild and humid climate.

For those who have decided to buy a property in Turkey, there will be something to do besides visiting Sunny beaches. After all, there are a lot of attractions here, enough for a lifetime.


As for nutrition, this industry is widely developed in Turkey. Turkish national cuisine is multi-faceted, it has absorbed a huge number of cultural features of different peoples who lived in the territory of the Ottoman Empire. Most of the national dishes are widely known in the world. The most famous and revered are dolma, vegetable, meat and fish dishes.

Like most of the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, sea fish, fresh salads and herbs are very much appreciated here. Contrary to popular belief, Turkish chefs use a moderate amount of spices, trying to preserve the taste and aroma of food.

It's hard for those who like to eat on the go. This is not accepted here, so it is quite difficult to find fast food or eateries. It is better to go to a cafe and have a full meal than to feel the surprised looks of the local population.

But what they really like in Turkey is sweet. Baklava, Turkish delight, halva and many other things that with excessive consumption will allow you to gain a couple of extra pounds. Fruit is available almost all year round, served after desserts.

You can treat yourself to fresh fruit desserts at an affordable price. Thanks to the eternal summer on the South coast, most types of fruit are offered on the market all year round. The same applies to vegetables, which are offered here always fresh and in a large assortment.


Despite the fact that buying property in Turkey is cheap, it is worth taking into account the culture of the local population, and paying tribute to the age-old traditions that are very revered here. The majority of the population belongs to the religious trend of Sunni Muslims. However, there are temples for Christians, Jews, and other nationalities. At the same time, public holidays are Muslim ones, which are celebrated on a large scale.

Each province of Turkey has its own cultural traditions that make the region unique. For example, the province of Sivas, located in Eastern Antalya, can boast of a colorful spectacle. On holidays, girls dance with lighted candles in complete darkness, in national costumes embroidered with gold and silver. Slow rhythmic movements of Oriental belly dance in the light reflections of the flame - a stunning sight. If the province of Sivas is dominated by femininity, the Bursa is distinguished by a traditional male dance with shields and swords, which is performed by men.

Turkey is a country of many nationalities. Over the years of close existence here, as nowhere else, tolerance and respect for any national minorities have increased, so no one will force you to learn the Koran or dance with candles. However, in response, it is worth knowing the main religious and traditional prohibitions, so as not to hurt the feelings of the local population.


It is very well developed in the country. It is clear that Antalya, which is considered a business center and the main cultural object of the country, has a large number of entertainment complexes, major stores and boutiques. However, in other regions and even provinces, there is something to do in your free time. Parks, alleys, embankments and their corresponding entertainment are all within walking distance.

As for the language barrier, don't worry. Turkey has a huge number of nationalities, so you can find a former compatriot in any province.

Obtaining citizenship in Turkey

This is an important question for those who see that buying property in Turkey is cheap, so they subconsciously expect pitfalls. This may include citizenship. Yes, maybe, but not in this country. The latest amendments to Turkish law make it easier to obtain a residence permit and citizenship for those who buy real estate in the state. It is worth noting that if you decide to buy a property worth more than 250 thousand dollars, you will get citizenship without applying for a residence permit and long-term residence. A citizen's passport will be issued after 3-5 months.

This feature greatly simplifies and even eliminates any problems that may be related to employment, business, the tax system, children's education, and all other household issues.

The main advantages of buying property in Turkey

If we draw a conclusion based on all of the above, the positive aspects of buying real estate in this country are much more prevalent. Among them:

1. Sea resorts, proximity to the coast, healing sea air and a mild pleasant climate that suits most people, and especially children.

2. Exotic, interesting original culture and traditions that you can learn endlessly. A huge number of both natural and cultural attractions.

3. a Simple procedure for obtaining a residence permit and citizenship when buying real estate in Turkey. This means that after the minimum time required to review the documents, you will already be able to enjoy all the benefits of a resident of the country.

4. Relatively high standard of living. This is true. In Turkey, there is almost no high rate of poverty, which can be seen in the territory of the CIS countries, Europe and the United States. There is a large number of social benefits and support for the population, free medicine, and education. It is worth noting the Turkish craving for everything expensive, luxurious and beautiful. Therefore, almost all real estate here is surrounded by luxury neighborhoods, with pools, boathouses, alleys and parks.

5. All necessary products are available in both regular stores and major shopping centers. And if you bargain in the market, you can buy a lot for a penny.

6. when obtaining a residence permit, children's education and nutrition in schools, their social and cultural development - completely free.

7. the level of medicine here is also very high, the main types of treatment are provided free of charge under an insurance policy.

8. Property in Turkey is inexpensive. If you compare similar climate and offers with Spain, Greece, Italy, and other countries with a Mediterranean climate, the cost of housing is two or three times less.

9. there is no mortgage for the purchase of real estate, which residents of the CIS and Europe are used to. For the purchase of housing, favorable installments are provided with minimal interest rates, which once again proves the high level of social support for the population.

10. real Estate can always be rented out, there are a lot of tourists in the country, so the rental market is thriving and can become a profitable investment, with the opportunity to relax on the beautiful azure coast. Thanks to affordable prices, high level of service, beautiful beaches and a pleasant climate, Turkey is becoming one of the main centers of tourism, so the real estate market here is steadily beginning to grow in price, which means that it further increases the value of investment.

Among the disadvantages of buying property in Turkey, it is worth mentioning the increased luxury tax. If food and socially important goods can be purchased at a price with VAT of 8%, for example, personal transport or air conditioning will have a tax of 18%. If we talk about the average indicator, it is comparable with other countries, while you can use the necessary items at an affordable cost.

In any case, the advantages of buying property in Turkey are much greater, even compared to most countries with a similar climate and developed infrastructure. And if we talk about emigration to Turkey, it is probably very difficult to overestimate social support for the population. No country in Europe or America offers simpler and more affordable conditions for obtaining a residence permit and citizenship, as well as providing opportunities to enjoy social benefits at the level of the local population almost immediately after moving.

If you want to buy a property in Turkey, you should learn about the advantages of such a purchase. What awaits you, how the country will meet you, what you will have to get used to. After all, the decision to buy a property is not to spend a few weeks on vacation, and should be considered and justified. To do this, you should weigh all the pros and cons of investing in real estate in Turkey. What is waiting for the buyer in a Sunny warm country with thousands of beaches that are marked with a blue flag? Let's figure it out!


The first, exciting question is how acclimatization will take place and how well the local climate will suit a person. This is very important for long-term residence in the country.

The climate conditions here are quite pleasant. Winter is rainy, but not cold, and in summer the temperature is quite comfortable, among other countries of the subtropical zone. If you like high humidity, it is better to choose a property closer to the coastal zones. Here the heat in summer, and the cold in winter-will be felt much more acutely. For those who do not want to experience such weather changes, it is better to buy a property in Turkey in the continental part, where the humidity will be lower and the climate is milder.

Sea and nature

Turkey's shores are washed by four seas: the Mediterranean, Black, Marmara and Aegean. On the coast of the Mediterranean and Aegean sea, the climate will be dominated by the Mediterranean, with dry summers and mild warm winters, where snow rarely falls. The water temperature almost all year round allows you to take tourists, keeping at an average level of 22-24 degrees.

On the coast of the Marmara sea, a more severe climate is waiting for you, where even in the summer, rains can catch you, and the winter is colder, sometimes even snow falls. The Black sea has hot and humid summers and cold and dry winters. The water temperature in these seas is kept at an average of 20-23 degrees.

However, not only the sea coast can be visited while living in this country. Turkey has very beautiful natural attractions, including mountain peaks and a large number of freshwater water resources. There are more than 450 reservoirs on the territory of the country, some of which are artificial. Almost the entire territory is entwined with a cascade of mountain rivers, crystal lakes and attractive landscapes, which are overgrown with rapid vegetation due to the mild and humid climate.

For those who have decided to buy a property in Turkey, there will be something to do besides visiting Sunny beaches. After all, there are a lot of attractions here, enough for a lifetime.


As for nutrition, this industry is widely developed in Turkey. Turkish national cuisine is multi-faceted, it has absorbed a huge number of cultural features of different peoples who lived in the territory of the Ottoman Empire. Most of the national dishes are widely known in the world. The most famous and revered are dolma, vegetable, meat and fish dishes.

Like most of the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, sea fish, fresh salads and herbs are very much appreciated here. Contrary to popular belief, Turkish chefs use a moderate amount of spices, trying to preserve the taste and aroma of food.

It's hard for those who like to eat on the go. This is not accepted here, so it is quite difficult to find fast food or eateries. It is better to go to a cafe and have a full meal than to feel the surprised looks of the local population.

But what they really like in Turkey is sweet. Baklava, Turkish delight, halva and many other things that with excessive consumption will allow you to gain a couple of extra pounds. Fruit is available almost all year round, served after desserts.

You can treat yourself to fresh fruit desserts at an affordable price. Thanks to the eternal summer on the South coast, most types of fruit are offered on the market all year round. The same applies to vegetables, which are offered here always fresh and in a large assortment.


Despite the fact that buying property in Turkey is cheap, it is worth taking into account the culture of the local population, and paying tribute to the age-old traditions that are very revered here. The majority of the population belongs to the religious trend of Sunni Muslims. However, there are temples for Christians, Jews, and other nationalities. At the same time, public holidays are Muslim ones, which are celebrated on a large scale.

Each province of Turkey has its own cultural traditions that make the region unique. For example, the province of Sivas, located in Eastern Antalya, can boast of a colorful spectacle. On holidays, girls dance with lighted candles in complete darkness, in national costumes embroidered with gold and silver. Slow rhythmic movements of Oriental belly dance in the light reflections of the flame - a stunning sight. If the province of Sivas is dominated by femininity, the Bursa is distinguished by a traditional male dance with shields and swords, which is performed by men.

Turkey is a country of many nationalities. Over the years of close existence here, as nowhere else, tolerance and respect for any national minorities have increased, so no one will force you to learn the Koran or dance with candles. However, in response, it is worth knowing the main religious and traditional prohibitions, so as not to hurt the feelings of the local population.


It is very well developed in the country. It is clear that Antalya, which is considered a business center and the main cultural object of the country, has a large number of entertainment complexes, major stores and boutiques. However, in other regions and even provinces, there is something to do in your free time. Parks, alleys, embankments and their corresponding entertainment are all within walking distance.

As for the language barrier, don't worry. Turkey has a huge number of nationalities, so you can find a former compatriot in any province.

Obtaining citizenship in Turkey

This is an important question for those who see that buying property in Turkey is cheap, so they subconsciously expect pitfalls. This may include citizenship. Yes, maybe, but not in this country. The latest amendments to Turkish law make it easier to obtain a residence permit and citizenship for those who buy real estate in the state. It is worth noting that if you decide to buy a property worth more than 250 thousand dollars, you will get citizenship without applying for a residence permit and long-term residence. A citizen's passport will be issued after 3-5 months.

This feature greatly simplifies and even eliminates any problems that may be related to employment, business, the tax system, children's education, and all other household issues.

The main advantages of buying property in Turkey

If we draw a conclusion based on all of the above, the positive aspects of buying real estate in this country are much more prevalent. Among them:

1. Sea resorts, proximity to the coast, healing sea air and a mild pleasant climate that suits most people, and especially children.

2. Exotic, interesting original culture and traditions that you can learn endlessly. A huge number of both natural and cultural attractions.

3. a Simple procedure for obtaining a residence permit and citizenship when buying real estate in Turkey. This means that after the minimum time required to review the documents, you will already be able to enjoy all the benefits of a resident of the country.

4. Relatively high standard of living. This is true. In Turkey, there is almost no high rate of poverty, which can be seen in the territory of the CIS countries, Europe and the United States. There is a large number of social benefits and support for the population, free medicine, and education. It is worth noting the Turkish craving for everything expensive, luxurious and beautiful. Therefore, almost all real estate here is surrounded by luxury neighborhoods, with pools, boathouses, alleys and parks.

5. All necessary products are available in both regular stores and major shopping centers. And if you bargain in the market, you can buy a lot for a penny.

6. when obtaining a residence permit, children's education and nutrition in schools, their social and cultural development - completely free.

7. the level of medicine here is also very high, the main types of treatment are provided free of charge under an insurance policy.

8. Property in Turkey is inexpensive. If you compare similar climate and offers with Spain, Greece, Italy, and other countries with a Mediterranean climate, the cost of housing is two or three times less.

9. there is no mortgage for the purchase of real estate, which residents of the CIS and Europe are used to. For the purchase of housing, favorable installments are provided with minimal interest rates, which once again proves the high level of social support for the population.

10. real Estate can always be rented out, there are a lot of tourists in the country, so the rental market is thriving and can become a profitable investment, with the opportunity to relax on the beautiful azure coast. Thanks to affordable prices, high level of service, beautiful beaches and a pleasant climate, Turkey is becoming one of the main centers of tourism, so the real estate market here is steadily beginning to grow in price, which means that it further increases the value of investment.

Among the disadvantages of buying property in Turkey, it is worth mentioning the increased luxury tax. If food and socially important goods can be purchased at a price with VAT of 8%, for example, personal transport or air conditioning will have a tax of 18%. If we talk about the average indicator, it is comparable with other countries, while you can use the necessary items at an affordable cost.

In any case, the advantages of buying property in Turkey are much greater, even compared to most countries with a similar climate and developed infrastructure. And if we talk about emigration to Turkey, it is probably very difficult to overestimate social support for the population. No country in Europe or America offers simpler and more affordable conditions for obtaining a residence permit and citizenship, as well as providing opportunities to enjoy social benefits at the level of the local population almost immediately after moving.