Land of smiles

11:29 May 24, 2020
Land of smiles

Warm exotic country welcomes its guests with bright sun and radiant smiles of local residents. If you decide to buy a property in Thailand, then whichever part of the country you choose - you will be surrounded by a warm sea, mountain ranges and dense forest vegetation, interspersed with plantations of fruit trees.

The cost of housing is relatively low, the climate is comfortable, and the possibilities for implementing a tourist business are almost limitless. What to expect in this country? Let's find out more!

Climate and sea

An important aspect when choosing a country of residence, especially if the family has children. The climate in Thailand is classified as tropical, the heat and rain here are distributed depending on the location. So, in Bangkok, the capital of the Kingdom, the average annual temperature is 28 degrees, even in winter at night it does not fall below 16, and during the day it forces Thais and guests to hide in the shade or seek salvation on the beaches with clear blue water.

The Eastern part of the Peninsula will be pleased with the distribution of rain evenly throughout the year, which protects from severe aridity of the climate, and does not let you get tired of the constant “water from the sky”. But in the rest of the Peninsula, heavy torrential downpours will occur from November to February, and at night the temperature can fall to 0. Winter is characterized by dryness and pleasant temperatures, so it is considered the best time of year for tourism. Throughout the year, the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman sea maintain a temperature of + 28°C, which very rarely falls below these values.

Thailand is considered one of the countries with the most favorable climate available for living and tourism 365 days a year. Features of geographical relief, the Gulf of Thailand, the Andaman sea, the Indian and Atlantic oceans-please the most beautiful beaches in the world, marked with a blue flag.

For those who want to buy property in Thailand for permanent residence, it is worth paying attention to the mainland. The Islands are often met with storms that bring the monsoon from the Indian ocean. Although residents are waiting for the season of winds to at least slightly dilute the heat and heat, they also bring strong troubles to the coastal zone.

What awaits you in Thailand? Beautiful beaches with white and Golden sand, warm sea and a pleasant tropical climate, without sudden changes in temperature, humidity or other negative climatic conditions. It remains only to choose whether you want to enjoy the sunrises from the East coast or the sea sunsets of the West.


Thai people like to eat. The food industry is one of the most developed in the country. There are traditional dishes that Europeans are used to, and there are exotic ones in the form of beetles, Scorpions and grasshoppers. You can try such delights on every corner. Moreover, the set of dishes offered in fine restaurants and ordinary cafes for tourists is almost the same. Thais pay special attention to the naturalness and freshness of food, so it is customary to prepare food in front of visitors, so that they can make sure that fish, meat or exotic delicacies are prepared from fresh raw materials.

In addition to insects, seafood, vegetarian spiced dishes, fruits and vegetables predominate in the menu. There is a special variety of the latter on the shelves. You can find here the usual pineapples, tangerines, mangoes, and completely new to the ordinary citizen: lychee, mangosteen, rambutan, Sapodilla and other refreshing fruits that can impress every gourmet.

Culture and traditions

Thailand is called the land of smiles, and it is true. Here, the main principles of Buddhism are that emotions should be kept under control, and everyone should be given love, good and the most cordial attitude. Therefore, Thais, despite all the troubles of life, remain friendly and ready to smile at passers-by around the clock. Therefore, those who have decided to buy a property in Thailand can be sure of a warm welcome. Believe that the radiant smiles around will not leave you indifferent, will lift your mood and make you join the local “smiling” traditions.

Thai culture dictates not only the hospitality that surprises tourists, but also the desire for the beautiful, beauty and tranquility. Therefore, there are no small things for Thais. They try to find decoration in everything, whether it is at home, at work, or in their own names. Especially notable are religious buildings, of which there are a lot. Temples for the local population are not just a place where you can go to " confess” and ask for forgiveness for your sins. They are the basis of local life. At the same time, far from major tourist centers, they also perform social functions: they distribute news, maintain hospitals, schools, shelters, canteens for the poor, etc.

Religiosity here can be traced everywhere. Thai tradition is to decorate houses and plots with miniature copies of temples. It is believed that they can protect people from evil spirits, they are inhabited by a deity that contributes to the welfare of the family. It would seem that these are just ornaments, but Thais take them quite seriously. Therefore, if the neighbors at a housewarming present such a gift - it will have to be taken care of, otherwise hostility and resentment for life will not be avoided.

Another feature is the local culture. Dance, theater, and music are fascinating elements that make local life unthinkable. Asian culture and Buddhist traditions have made them fundamental principles of life. Therefore, the festivities here are accompanied by colorful costumes, incredible performances and no less spectacular national dances.


Despite the fact that real estate in Thailand is inexpensive - you need to think before moving here for good. This is due to the lack of working professions and certain restrictions in public life. If you plan to engage in tourism development , all roads are open to you. Also food, entertainment, and some others. There are only a few large-scale industries in the country, and they are associated with the processing and freezing of fish, and the production of canned food.

In all other respects, the infrastructure here is much more developed than even many of the major tourist centers in Europe. A huge number of markets, shops, boutiques, restaurants, cafes and just fast food. It seems that you can find everything for life here.

The transport sector leaves much to be desired. There are local buses, minibuses, and air links to the Islands. But at the same time, because of the large number of tourists, they are always clogged, at the entrances to cities - traffic jams. Therefore, where possible, local residents try to walk, and where not-to get their own transport.

Advantages of buying property in Thailand

A warm, radiant country with a pleasant mild climate makes you come back here again and again. Many people want to buy real estate here, so that they can come to relax at any time, study the local culture and customs, and at the rest of the time get income from their investments. One of the main advantages is tourism at any time of the year, so the demand for real estate rentals here is huge.

Among other advantages:

1. The most favorable climate in the world. It has everything: sea, mountains, warm sun, sufficient humidity and moderate winds.

2. Beautiful nature, lots of entertainment and all the conditions for a comfortable life. Ecology is under the control of the state, so there is no better country to live with children.

3. It is an economically developed country with a high standard of living. However, buying property in Thailand is cheap and accessible to everyone. The cost is lower than many average European indicators, and the benefit, if you are not going to live here all year round - much higher, because this is the most popular tourist destination.

4. another plus from living or purchasing real estate in the country of smiles is the absence of taxes on housing. You will only pay utilities, and everything else is not your concern.

5. Many migrants are engaged in freelancing, there are a huge number of them. So if you have the opportunity to work remotely and live in a beautiful country with the best ecology - this is what you need. The it sphere has no restrictions here, and is one of the highest paid.

6. for initial training, both for children and adults, there are language schools where migrants can obtain citizenship and a work visa under a simplified procedure.

7. you should choose your property and region of residence very carefully. After all, there are both quiet and secluded corners, among the picturesque nature, and noisy megacities with its rich life, and resort corners where everything is relaxed and measured.

8. Favorable exchange rate for local currency from the dollar and Euro. If you receive a remote salary in foreign currency, then you should not worry about living in Thailand. The average cost of a set meal in a good restaurant for a family will cost about $ 10, and the rent of an apartment is about $ 80 per month. Buying an apartment in the center of the metropolis will be much cheaper than in the remote corners of Prague or Paris.

One of the disadvantages is a long procedure for obtaining citizenship, but for those who have passed a language school, work in a promising industry and own real estate-it is noticeably simplified. For children, there are many entertainment centers. We can say that one of the directions of Thai culture is the well-being of children, their high-quality development and education.

To buy real estate in Thailand cheap-just contact experienced realtors or directly to developers. Mortgage in the full sense of the word is not offered here. However, if you purchase housing in a building under construction, you must pay only 20%, the rest can be made after the delivery of the object in parts and without interest, everything is written in the contract - so read it carefully. In addition, investments in housing under construction will help you save up to 30% of the cost of housing when renting a house.

In General, if you decide to move to Thailand, buy real estate here - you can safely count on the beautiful scenery, comfort and maximum aesthetic beauty in the district, which can not be overshadowed by bureaucratic procedures for obtaining citizenship. After all, it is unrealistic to be bored or sad in a smiling country where everyone wants to share their warmth and love.