Sunny Cyprus

20:26 July 13, 2020
Sunny Cyprus

Cyprus is considered to be one of the most popular holiday destinations. There is everything you need for relaxation and cloudless life: countless beaches, warm gentle sea, green forests, amazing mountains, delicious gardens where fragrant fruits always sing. The mild change of seasons makes this corner of the planet look like a real Eden. The lifestyle of complacent Cypriots is unhurried and full of peace. For most foreigners who live in the frenzied pace of megacities, at first it is strange to watch the locals drinking ice frappe for hours and viewing the seascape, walking with a measured gait along the sun-drenched streets. However, once you try to live like a Cypriot, you will fall in love with this country and its inhabitants forever. So why read about it and continue to dream, if you can take and move, for which you just need to buy a property in Cyprus!

Now housing in Cyprus is purchased by many foreigners. Apartments and houses are in high demand, because buying real estate here, a citizen of another country receives a permanent residence permit or citizenship, depending on the purchase price. But what is important, both options mean that the owner of a property in Cyprus can enter the country at any time without obtaining a visa or other restrictions. Just imagine living in a Sunny, colorful Paradise all year round, or coming there as soon as you feel like it.

Advantages of living in Cyprus

People, who have bought property in Cyprus, note a number of advantages of living on this picturesque island.

Level of education

When moving to another country with children, parents often worry about how the training will be organized. Cyprus has both public and private schools. For foreigners without knowledge of Greek, it is preferable to apply to a private school, since children can be taught there in English and other European languages. However, children are accepted to school throughout the year, so there is no need to adjust your move to the child's school year.

Level of medicine                                                                  

The health care system, as well as the educational system in Cyprus, is at a high level. There are public and private clinics that are present in all residential areas. In case of an emergency, you can come to the emergency Department, which operates on the basis of public hospitals, and the cost of treatment will be about 10 euro.

Freedom of religion

Cyprus is a true Mecca for immigrants, so not only are all faiths well treated here, but there are completely different temples and churches-from Orthodox and Catholic to mosques, synagogues, Buddhist temples, etc.

Culture and attractions

Cyprus is famous for its thousand-year-old history and an abundance of attractions, which are visited every day by streams of tourists from all over the world. The country has more than 9,000 years of history, having managed to visit the Persian Empire, the Roman Empire, Byzantium and the Ottoman Empire during this time. The culture of Cyprus is an amazing mix of many ancient civilizations, each of which has left its mark on the life of the island. Museums and ancient churches are located in almost every district, archaeological sites, ancient castles, wineries and monuments of natural origin — it is simply impossible to review everything!


Nature and climate

This amazing island is unique in its ability to combine a relatively small area of green dense forests, mountain ranges and wide beaches, available for recreation 7 months of the year. 57 beaches in Cyprus have been awarded the international Blue Flag award, which is awarded to beaches and wharves that are absolutely safe for swimmers and meet the highest quality standards. The island is washed on all sides by the Mediterranean sea, which has an average temperature of about 17 ° C in winter and about 28 ° C in summer.

On the territory of the island, the sun shines about 300 days a year, and snow in winter lies only on the tops of the mountains. Nature in Cyprus is much cleaner, and the environmental situation is much more favorable than in most of mainland Europe. On the southern coast of the island there are almost no factories.

Local cuisine

Having tried the Cypriot cuisine, you will definitely want to move here. The specifics of Cypriot cuisine were formed under the influence of Turkish and Greek traditions. This is an abundant use of high-quality olive oil, fresh seafood, olives, cheeses, spicy sauces and flavorful freshly baked bread. Here you can find a variety of restaurants that also offer Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, Lebanese, and Italian cuisine.

A special attraction of Cyprus is its numerous wineries, wine from which will be served to you in any restaurant, tavern or bar. Recipes for making wine in many wineries here are secret and passed from generation to generation for many centuries.


Cyprus resorts attract millions of tourists every year. This includes beach holidays, ski resorts, and other types of entertainment for you and your children. Having bought a property in Cyprus, you can come here at any time and enjoy all the benefits of living on a fabulous island, without looking at the cost of hotel rooms, visa terms or other restrictions.

And where do you live?

Real estate, and especially real estate in another country-buying is not cheap. That is why the choice should be approached with care and consider all options to choose the best one. For example, the most popular resort cities in Cyprus are Paphos, Limassol, Larnaca, and Ayia NAPA.

Paphos is a large city full of attractions and rich in architectural monuments. There are many cafes and restaurants, places for recreation. Paphos is located on the South-West coast and is considered one of the oldest cities in the Republic. The city is divided into two parts: New Paphos (Kato Pafos), where most tourist sites are located, and Ktima is the administrative center.

Most of the residential properties here belong to the type of luxury villas or apartments. There is a large English Diaspora based in Paphos, so there are many private English schools here. The style of life in Paphos is far from a party, it is quiet, no fuss, and most visitors are Europeans aged 40 and over.

Limassol is considered the financial capital of the state and is located in the center of the southern coast. It is located at the same distance from the capital, Nicosia, Paphos and Larnaca, which can be reached in just an hour's drive. The business part of the city is always busy, but busy businessmen with laptops can be found on the beach, in the tourist part of Limassol. The popular resort offers a wide range of entertainment on the beach, in the center of the city there is a huge water Park for children. Shopping lovers are always waiting for the shopping rows on Makarios III Avenue, where luxury brands such as Benneton or Dior are represented, the more democratic shopping street Anexartisias Street, where you can find a high-quality mass market, as well as the city's largest shopping center Debenhams.

There are more than a dozen villages with vineyards around the city, and a Wine Festival is held here in September.

Larnaca is one of the most affordable resorts, so the price of living here is quite affordable. Larnaca is conveniently located near the international airport. You should pay attention to the proximity of the airport when choosing housing, so that the noise from taking off and landing planes does not interfere with your rest. However, despite the high flow of tourists, the city is quiet, devoid of fuss, ideal for living with young families or people in retirement. It is mainly built up with two-and three-story houses, small streets, and the main attraction for local and tourists are two embankments with beaches - finikudes and Mackenzie.

Ayia NAPA is a city of vibrant life with many night clubs and discos, which is often chosen by young tourists. This resort is even called "Cyprus Ibiza". However, both families with children and elderly couples who want to settle comfortably in one of the quiet areas will like it here. Ayia NAPA is a city of entertainment, it has everything - a water Park, Luna Park, chic beaches, bars and restaurants, and on the Central square, shoppers are waiting for shopping rows of luxury and affordable outlets, souvenir shops, shops of local products.

Now it is in Ayia NAPA that the demand for resort real estate is increasing, developers are building many complexes at affordable prices, so it is not difficult to buy a property in Cyprus cheap and choose it for the program of economic citizenship.

When moving to Cyprus with a family or in old age, people usually want to find housing in a fairly secluded and quiet area. Such options can be found in small non-tourist towns like Polis or Pissouri. They are located on the coast, so it is not difficult to find a house or apartment with a sea view. These provincial settlements lack the gloss of popular resorts, but have a special Mediterranean charm. The beaches here are almost wild, they do not meet such a crowd of people as in resort cities, and nature is striking in its diversity. Just imagine waking up in your own Villa on a hill, with the sea stretching out to the horizon through a wide window! Isn't this the kind of life that every one of us dreams of?

For the most practical

Even if you are not going to leave your country and you are not attracted to the idea of resort everyday life, buying an inexpensive property in Cyprus is a great way to invest money. The fact is that Cyprus is one of the most politically and financially stable regions in the world for several decades. This is a good example of a truly democratic society, when even economic downturns are smooth and followed by a return to previous activity. Here, unlike many European countries, there are no signs of xenophobia, class division, and people are as tolerant as possible to all visitors, regardless of their nationality or religion.

You can choose different options for investing in real estate in Cyprus:

• investment with a further increase in the value of the object over time;

* investment for regular rental income;

* individual investment program.

Thus, it is very profitable to buy a property in Cyprus, for example, a Villa with a sea view, to rent it out for a certain time, while you live at home, and receive income from rent, and then move for permanent residence in retirement or when a child is born. It is also very profitable to buy an apartment in an urban residential complex under construction, and then sell it when the price increases, and buy a family townhouse or house in a quiet area.

Having bought a property in Cyprus, the owner and his family get the right to visit the island at any time, get a residence permit, and move freely throughout the European Union. Cozy and diverse Cyprus with its measured and unhurried life can become your second home, it is not difficult!