Koop Farm, Dundurn Rm No. 314, Saskatchewan S0K1K0
113. ACRES - Large Gravel deposits. Currently sown with Alfalfa. Fronting Blackstrap lake near Inland Heidleberg Gravel pits - Hwy 11 South 23 kms on Highway #11 to the (North Grid)(Opposite of the Military Turn Off) Turn left and travel 9 kms east. The parcel is accessible from entering the lake entrance, crossing the dam as well as taking Rg Road 3033 to the end and turning towards the lake at the end of the road across from Inland Heidelberg gravel pit via the trail. The parcel has 3000 feet fronting Blackstrap Lake. A total of seventy (70) Test pits and twenty (20) test holes were completed in 2020 by P. Machabroda Engineering. It was determined that the south end of the parcel contains aggregate deposits being coarse and fine aggregate. A total of seven samples were tested for grain size distribution to contain coarse quality of the aggregate. The detailed report states that the coarse aggregate amounts are to exceed several time greater than 325,000 m3 . Reservoir DevelopmentArea will issue a gravel development permit. (28787335)
Facts and Features
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