5351 Highway 1, Waterville, Nova Scotia B0P1V0
Potentially a 4 unit property,3 Bachelor and 1 bedroom One unit is currently rented at $900 month plus utilities. The others are gutted to allow for electrical upgrade and meters and panels for each unit. Some new exterior doors have been purchased and are on site. Interior paint has been purchased and will be included in the purchase. There will need to be a few basement windows that meet egress. The current owners project that rents could be $4600-$5000 month with tenants paying all utilities. This is a great opportunity to invest in an income property. Referrals for electricians/plumbers are available. Project management advice available to purchaser. Convenient location on the bus route, Close to Michelin and a short drive to Berwick. (230146749)
Facts and Features
Property Type
Number of floors
Number of rooms
4 or more
Additional characteristics

Municipal sewage system

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