Thessaloniki - the cultural capital of Hellas

15:52 October 13, 2019
Thessaloniki - the cultural capital of Hellas

It is often believed that Greece has everything from ancient history to azure beaches and world-famous cuisine. Greeks call their country Hellas and only "newcomers" say "Greece". The state of Greece is located on the Balkan Peninsula in southern Europe and belongs to one of the sunniest countries in Europe, which has about 300 clear warm days from June to August ( temperature +32ºC). In turn, the winter in the Alpine regions is very cold and rainy, in other parts of the winter period is milder, but not less rainy. The foothills of Greece are washed in a beautiful way by several seas (Libyan, Thracian, Cretan and others) which are part of the larger water sources, including: the Eastern part is washed by the Aegean sea, the Western - the Ionian, and the Southern - the Mediterranean sea.  Thanks to the many sea routes, from any point of Greece to the sea it’s no more than 140 km. Real estate in Greece is for those who know how to enjoy life. This is one of the safest countries - the crime rate of Greece is several times lower than in other EU countries. It’s also notable that persons who are not citizens of the European Union can not buy property in Greece near the border areas (Lesbos, Thrace, Chios, Samos, Santorini, Skrios and some others), while choosing a property clarify whether it does not apply to this restriction.
The largest cities in Greece are Athens, Thessaloniki and Heraklion. The most amazing city that bears the name of the Northern capital, I believe, is Thessaloniki (Thessalonica). Cultural and historical heritage of Greece is here, as well as it’s the birthplace of Aristotle and the great conqueror of Alexander the Great.
 The city of Thessaloniki has a rich ancient history, and passing through the small streets, you can see with the untrained eye the mixture of cultures of ancient Greek, Byzantine, Roman and Ottoman. Currently, the city is active throughout the year, there are various festivals, concerts, exhibitions and other events. Thessaloniki is a city that you can not forget and do not come back, there is everything for any short-term vacation or year-round living. Thessaloniki has one of the largest ports in Greece, so the water is pretty polluted and unsuitable for swimming. However, is you go out of the city not for so far, you’ll find the snow-white sandy beaches with the purest azure water and bright landscapes. For diving lovers in Greece there are many places for diving, mainly on the Islands (Crete, Samos, Thasos and Lesbos), in Thessaloniki there are several diving centers, as well as in the city - about 15 interesting places for diving, including underwater caves, sunken ships and a variety of sea creatures. As for shopping, Thessaloniki is also a wonderful place, as in the city center there are three fashion streets in parallel, and several shopping centers are located in the suburbs: Mega Outlet, City Gate, Mediterranean Cosmo and Alpha Odeon, where winter and summer sales are held twice, where you can buy inexpensive leather and fur products, antiques, gold jewelry, souvenirs and much more…
Interesting fact for applicants: Thessaloniki has the Aristotle University, the largest in Greece and in the Balkans, it is also among the 500 best universities in the world according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities, thousands of international students annually choose this university to study. After graduation, young professionals often return to stay in Greece. 
      If you are Thessaloniki, you should definitely visit the places included in the UNESCO cultural heritage: the Triumphal arch and the tomb of Emperor Galerius, the Church of St. Sophia, the Church of the Holy Apostles, the Monastery of Latomou and others. The symbol of Thessaloniki is the White Tower (Lefkos Pyrgos). Built during the Ottoman Empire, the tower served as a prison for prisoners sentenced to death, that’s why it got its first name "Bloody tower". Only three centuries later Thessaloniki was annexed to Greece, and the tower was painted in white meaning "purification", since then its name is the White Tower. Now it is open all year round with exhibition dedicated to the history of the city, and climbing to the top of the tower (35m) you can enjoy the panoramic scenery of the city.
Every year in November, Thessaloniki hosts a big festival of Greek cuisine. However, in other months, Greek cuisine welcomes you: seafood, olives, feta cheese, a variety of vegetables, traditional dishes flavored with olive oil and seasoning. You should definitely try: Moussaka (baked eggplant with minced meat, vegetable sauce), Kleftiko (marinated and baked in the oven lamb on the bone), Kolokifoanfi (stuffed zucchini flowers); from the sweet you can select Lucumades and Bugatsa. Traditional drinks in Thessaloniki are Rakia (fruit vodka) and wine. Winemaking has a special place in the economy of the city and the hearts of local residents. At the moment, there are about 10 wineries in Thessaloniki IGP (Indicazione Geografica Tipica). The most spread varieties: Alexandrias, Savatiano, Chardonnay, Roditis, Pamidi and many others. Worldwide recognized as one of the healthiest, Greek cuisine combines with excellent climate and location, which is the key to a great holiday and living in the country.
       Summing up, I wish to emphasize that Thessaloniki for me is not only the Northern capital of Greece, the historical and cultural heritage of several eras woven together with the modern world, it is a place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the metropolis, just enjoying a quiet and measured time to admire nature. If you buy real estate in Greece, you get not only an apartment, house or land. You get a small part of such a diverse and amazing culture that will remain in the heart, wherever you are.