Finland-country of a thousand lakes

18:26 April 24, 2020
Finland-country of a thousand lakes

This is not the first time that Finland has topped the ranking of the world's happiest countries. To determine the level of happiness of people, only the internal situation in the country, the security of its inhabitants and other factors were evaluated, but one main indicator was not included – the beauty of the nature of this region. Lapland is one of the most picturesque places in the world. Previously, this country was not popular among those who decided to buy a home or cottage abroad. Warm countries such as Italy and Spain were often preferred. But now, the situation has changed dramatically. Every year more and more Russian citizens buy real estate in Finland, and there are many objective reasons for this.

Beauty of the Northern region

Finland is located in the Northern part of Europe. Its closest neighbors are Russia to the East, Estonia to the South, and Norway to the Northwest. About 10% of the country's territory is covered by water. In particular, it is dominated by two colors – green and blue shades. There are many forests and greenery around.

Modernity and pristine nature
Suomi is famous for a large number of lakes and rivers. For this reason, Finland was called the country of a thousand lakes. But, there are much more of them. All of them were formed about 10,000 years ago, when the glaciers began to melt. As a result, mountain peaks, valleys, and reservoirs were formed. During this period, the landscape that today fascinates with its grandeur and beauty was born. The country's territory covers 337 thousand square meters and has 5 million inhabitants. The North-Western part is surrounded by the Baltic sea, the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland.

The capital of the Northern territory is Helsinki. According to all indicators, the city is included in the list of the best cities in the world. The country has a favorable business environment and good living conditions. The capital is surrounded by many lakes and the sea. The city abounds in greenery. Parks account for a quarter of urban space. The architecture traces Western and Eastern trends.

In the lake region, which is located in the southern part, there is the largest lake in the country – Saimaa. It is home to the rarest animal on the planet – the Saimaa ringed seal. A number of Finnish cities are located on the coast of the reservoir. The stunning nature and unique climate have made this country one of the most popular among tourists in the world.

Finns attach great importance to clean water. Most of the locals, as soon as the snow comes off, arrange trips on cozy small ships, organize kayaking, or just go to cottages on the coast. The warm season for them is a good way to relax from city life. For the most part in this region, such trees grow: birch, spruce, pine.

Climate conditions

Finland, as a European country, has very specific weather conditions, which adds to its special charm.

In winter, the temperature ranges from 0 to -20 C, depending on the area. All season, there is snow. The sun, during this period, goes down late, and sets in the early evening. A Sunny day lasts no more than five hours. The country has a subarctic climate. This time of the year it will delight lovers of winter sports – skiing, snowmobiles, patricinha, ice fishing, snowboard, skates. In winter, everyone can easily find something to do. In the Northern part of Finland, you can enjoy the polar nights that last from November to January. The most striking sight during this period is the Northern lights, which they call Aurora Borealis. The most severe frosts fall on January.

Spring comes most quickly to the southern part of the country. At this time of year, the weather is still cool, and there is snow in the Northern part. There it begins to melt in April. In spring, everything wakes up from winter sleep – green buds appear on the trees, ice and snow begin to melt. Daylight increases to ten hours, and the temperature to +9. In the southern part, the spring season is the best time for fishing. Finland is considered a real Mecca for fishermen.

In summer, the average temperature reaches +21. The whole season is moderate warm weather. Sometimes, tropical winds can come in from the Atlantic. Thanks to this, the air can warm up to +30. This season is characterized by Sunny weather and almost no rain in the first month. The rainy season begins around July and lasts until mid-August. This is the time when you can see a unique phenomenon-white nights. Lighting during this period resembles twilight, creating a comfortable atmosphere for evening walks.

The scent of autumn can already be felt in the middle of August. The sun is starting to set earlier, and the nights are getting longer and cooler. Multiple trees light up with a whole extravaganza of colors in which the leaves are colored. This is the most beautiful season in Lapland. In the southern part of the country, the weather remains warm until the end of September, although there may already be frosts at night. The first snow falls in early November.

It is difficult to choose the best time of the year. Regardless of the season, there are many ways to spend time in this Nordic country. Modern cities, shopping, concerts, festivals, pristine nature, picking berries, mushrooms or fishing in the water areas of Finland, outdoor recreation in the summer or winter sports – there is everything to make your stay in this country as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

Purchasing real estate in Finland

In addition to beautiful nature, a strong economy and a lot of entertainment for tourists, it is profitable to buy real estate in the country. Purchase and sale transactions can be carried out by both legal entities and individuals who are citizens of other countries. You can buy real estate anywhere in the country, except for the Aland Islands. In this territory, housing or land is purchased only with the permission of the government.

What foreigners are allowed to buy

Finns build houses for themselves, first of all. Previously, real estate sales were focused exclusively on the domestic consumer. Since 2000, foreign citizens have been allowed to purchase real estate in this country. These items include land, houses,and water. In addition to buying for foreigners is provided and the rent, if necessary. Although now the share of such transactions does not exceed 1% (about 400 transactions per year), this figure tends to increase. Interest in purchasing real estate in Finland is already growing. The most common buyers are Russians.

Interesting is the fact that the apartments belong to the personal estate. Apartment buildings are the property of a housing joint-stock company. Its members become the owners of the apartments. Having purchased an apartment in such a house, its owner automatically becomes the owner of shares of ZHAO. This gives you the right to dispose of the living space at your own discretion – to live there or rent it out. This is equivalent to a title deed. The number of shares allocated for an apartment depends on its price, area in m / sq. Frequently purchased homes, villas and apartments in Helsinki, Vantaa, Lahti, Rantasalmi, mäntyharju. Prices for real estate are different - from cheap-6-20 thousand euros to millions and above (depending on the buyer's requests). Prices depend on the area of housing, number of floors, location, number of rooms. For many years, there has been a slight increase in real estate prices in Suomi. In General, it is no more than 1.4%.

Rights of property owners

Ownership of real estate in Finland offers a wide range of opportunities for its owner. Among the main advantages-simplified receipt of multivisa not only in Suomi, but also in other Schengen countries for up to 90 days. When considering an application for permanent RESIDENCE, real estate ownership will increase the chances of issuing this document. Among other positive aspects-the low price of apartments and houses.

There are many opportunities to find a suitable option – private ads on the Internet, printed publications, direct communication with developers and realtors. The best option is considered to be buying with the help of agencies. Without knowledge of the Finnish language and all the subtleties of the country's legislation, it will be difficult to arrange a transaction. Although in such cases, many agencies have at least one Russian-speaking employee. Often, Russian citizens turn to realtors, and this has a number of advantages, including:

* Search for suitable objects that meet the client's wishes and requirements;
* Resolution of organizational issues related to a trip to Suomi to inspect the proposed property;
* Price negotiation, discussion of conditions;
* Setting the date of the transaction and visiting the notary;
* Preparation of all necessary documents.

The whole procedure is simple – after choosing a property, agreeing on the price and other issues, the transaction is notarized. After purchasing an item, you must pay a tax. The procedure will be slightly different when buying apartments, since they are considered movable objects.

Before purchasing a desired object, you should clearly determine what it is needed for, its condition (this parameter may entail additional costs for repairing housing), and the infrastructure of the area where it is located. If hidden defects are found that are not specified in advance by the seller, the buyer can claim compensation. The second step is to open a Bank account. This can be done by visiting the Bank yourself or in absentia, followed by a visit to the institution. Opening an account is necessary for making an advance payment and reserving an object. After that, a preliminary agreement is drawn up, where all the nuances of the transaction are described, as well as the payment receipt schedule. If both parties are satisfied with the conditions, the document is signed.

After making a purchase of real estate in Finland, you must pay a small tax every year. It is paid for apartments by the ZHAO. For residential buildings and cottages, the percentage of tax will be different. A private home is valued at the lowest interest rate than a cottage, recreation center, or land plot.

Finland is a wonderful country where you can spend an unforgettable vacation or buy a cottage for further. Clean, almost untouched nature, endless expanse of lakes, rivers, and the unique color of the Northern country will be remembered for a long time, causing a desire to return there again.